Title: Carnie Mouse
Year: 2020-2021 Game Creator: Arthur Lauretano Music: Arthur Lauretano Sr. Carnie Mouse is a stop-motion animated horror game that takes place in an abandoned funhouse. The player controls Carnie the Mouse, who must rescue his other mice friends while avoiding Buster the Clown. The game has a carnival and handmade theme. It aims for uncanny horror while embracing circus aesthetics. All of the sprite animations for the mouse are stop-motion animated. The clown is made of photographs and animated in the 2D rigging software Spine. https://altano-art.itch.io/carnie-mouse Title: Bubbles
Year: 2020 Art Director and Concept Artist: Arthur Lauretano Animation: Ing Henriques, Kyle Moran, Vincent Perez Song: Yosi Horikawa - Bubbles For this project, our team was tasked with making a minute animation set to the song Bubbles by Yosi Horikawa. I was assigned as art director for the project, and went about designing the concept and background. The initial inspiration for the tree design came from the art style of the game Electroplankton, and it’s song Hanenbow. Listening to the song Bubbles, this was immediately what it brought to mind. This aesthetic set the direction of the project moving forward. |
Title: Clown Around
Year: 2021 Game Creator: Arthur Lauretano Clown Around is a 2D platformer demo created using hand drawn assets and Spine animation. Each asset in the game started as a sketch, and was then scanned and edited on the computer. I used Photoshop to polish and color the assets and characters. The exported characters were then animated in Spine, which is a 2D rigging and animation software. https://altano-art.itch.io/clown-around-demo-level Title: Monster
Year: 2018 Animators: Arthur Lauretano, Brendan Maida, Nathan Kim Prop Creation: Arthur Lauretano, Nathan Kim Character Creation: Brendan Maida Post-Production: Jared Aprile Monster is a stop-motion animated short featuring a mad professor and his creation. I made various props for the environment, in addition to animating some parts of the short. The clips shown in my demo reel are the parts I personally animated. |
Sprite Animations